Thursday, April 12, 2012

Harry #Imagine (Joyce)

#Imagine you where together with the boys for a sleepover at Harry's place. You and Harry had a thing going on, but none of you didn't really had the courage to say it. You flirted a lot, but it never got serious. 
'So.. Let's play a game of spin the bottle?' Louis asked. 
'In what way?' Liam asked him. 
'We spin it to times. The two persons it lands on, have to do kiss for at least 10 seconds. If not, both of them have to take a piece of clothes off' He said, smiling. 
'Another one of your sick games..' Said Zayn, laughing. 
'Come on, it could be fun!' Niall and Louis said. 
'I'm in!' You also said, and the rest of the boys agreed to play it. 
'I'm gonna get a bottle!' Harry said, leaving the room. He got back with a coke bottle after a minute, and you all sat in a circle on the floor. 
'I can start spinning?' Louis said, handing out after the bottle. He spun it. 
'Liam!' And the next one gonna be... 
'Zayn!!' Harry laughed. 
'Come on Zayn, time to show our 6-pack!' He joked. They both got their shirt off. You sat between Zayn and of course Harry. His hand was behind your back, and you leaned a bit on his arm. 
'Next one is....Joyce!' Zayn smiled, as the bottle ended on you. He spun the bottle once more. 
'Harry!' Louis yelled out. 
'Haven't you kissed already?' Niall asked. You could feel Harry looking at you. 
'No, not yet' He said, moving a bit closer. 
'Come on guys, do it!' Zayn said. 
'You both like each other, we can see it!' Liam added. You looked up on Harry. 
'I like you' He said. 
'I like you too..' You smiled. 
'KISS! KISS! KISS! KISS!' Louis started, and the rest of the boys followed. 
'Should we give them what they want?' Harry asked, he couldn't stop smiling. 
'Lets do it' You laughed. He took his hand on your chin, and pulled you into him. He closed his eyes, and so did you. His soft lips hit yours. After about 10 seconds, his tongue started to lick your lip, asking for you to open your mouth. You did, and your tongues danced in sync. 
'Guys, it's literally been 3 minutes now.. Get a room!' Louis said. You broke for the kiss. 
'So, do we have a new couple?' Zayn asked you and Harry. 
'Yeah, haven't we, Joyce?' Harry asked you, winking. 
'We have, Harry' You said, smiling to him. You laid your head on his chest, and he kissed your forehead. 

1 comment:

  1. I liked this one can you make me one with me and Harry my name is Patrycja
